Thursday, December 9, 2010

Day 3

A slightly more productive day than yesterday.

You may wonder what the point of this blog is. Most of the time, so do I. It's always personal, trivial stuff, that nobody really wants to know. I don't actually want anybody who knows me to find this and read it and connect it to me. I suppose everybody just wants to be recognised for what they do. Even if the recognition comes from anonymous internet traffic. Anyway, here goes the catch of the day.

Song of the day: 'So Yesterday' by Hilary Duff. I hadn't heard that song for years, when all of a sudden it was stuck in my head. Weird.

Outing of the day: I felt like inviting my sister over for dinner, and in order to do so, I needed to buy some yummy food. So I went for a walk to the grocery shops. It was a really nice day for a walk, and I needed the exercise. While at the supermarket, I ran into a friend from school who I hadn't seen for a while, which was nice. On the way home, I walked past a massive swarm of bees (at least, I think they were bees). A random lady and I watched them together for a while, and exchanged a couple of sentences. When she drove off a bit later, she waved to me. We shared a moment.

Activities of the day: More 'Arthur', given variety with some 'Fawlty Towers', more plants and zombies, a really stupid job application (Seriously! They shouldn't be asking me my marital status and how old my kids are - they don't need to know, and if it affects their decision, it's pure discrimination), grocery shopping, baking a delicious roast vegetable pizza, eating said pizza with my sister and her husband.

Picture of the day: The swarm of bees flew away before I could get a decent picture, so you'll just have to take my word for it. The way they lazily spiralled around each other was quite beatiful.

Quote of the day: “I’m not saying I’m happy that we live in a world where we should congratulate people for remembering underwear…” Jon Acuff, author of the blog 'Stuff Christians Like'.

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