Because that's how far behind I am already. It's mainly the photos that are slowing me down. I keep forgetting to take my camera to places to find interesting photos. And yesterday, when I did remember my camera, I forgot to replace the memory card. So I could only take three pictures, and I can't load them onto my computer, because I can't find the cable that connects the camera to the computer. So I might need to add photos of the day at a later stage. So the plan for today is two blog posts for the price of one - aren't you guys lucky.
Song of the day: 'No Good Deed' from the musical 'Wicked'. One of my favourite songs from one of my favourite musicals.
Outing of the day: There were actually two. Aren't I lucky. Firstly, my housemate and I went looking at another house nearby to potentially move into. This one looks quite promising. After that, we had coffee at our favourite nearby cafe. So that was the first outing. The second outing was essentially me going crazy at home, and so going to the city library to work. That worked quite well, and I got a lot of writing done.
Activities of the day: Other than the two outings, I can't really remember. I called people to ask them to socialise, but they were either busy or out of town, I watched Tarzan with my housemate and her boyfriend, probably more 'Arthur' and 'Plants vs Zombies'.
Photo of the day: I forgot to take my camera to take a photo of the house I looked at, but it's nearby, so one day I'll go back to take a photo.
Quote of the day: There's a fine line between a hobby and a mental illness.
Song of the day: 'Sarah is for Lovers' by 'Blud'
Outing of the day: Three today. No wonder my project isn't going too well. The first outing was to a bar about half an hour's drive away, where I was an extra in a short film. The film was about an old rock star, and I was in the crowd at his last gig. It was quite funny watching the guy get sprayed with water so that he looked all sweaty. And they were calling out things like 'Sound', 'Speed', 'Camera', 'Shot 10, Action'. The second outing was just a walk to the fruit and veg markets, because I ate all the fruit in the house. The third outing was a friend's 21st birthday party. That was a lot of fun, the perfect balance of catching up with old friends and meeting new people.
Activities of the day: 'Arthur' and 'Zombies' almost goes without saying, talking on the phone to my parents, who aren't very happy about me signing a new house lease until I get a job, and pretending to clean my room. That's about all the time I had between outings.
Photo of the day: I took a couple of photos of the film set, before realising that I'd left my memory card behind. When I find the cable to connect my camera to the computer, I'll upload them.
Quote of the day: "Let's take all the special people and put them somewhere away from main society". "Isn't that what universities are for?" - A couple of people at the party last night.
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